Monday, September 29, 2014

Developer's Life Situation

I have been a Team Leader for quite some time now in different companies. I could say that I enjoy it because all I need to do is mandate my team. "Hey! Do this, Do that! Do that that that!". But I can see the confusion in my team's eyes sometimes especially when System Analyst gives technical specs to them. I know, because I have been a programmer once in my  In reference to Jeff Atwood - Coding Horror's technical documentation issues, I am posting system analysis issues encountered by programmers when you give them these technical specs and you don't explain anything.

Development process:
  1. Ask system analyst how the damn thing works.
  2. Deafing silence.
  3. Crickets.
  4. Tumbleweed.
  5. Just start coding something. Anything.
  6. Give this something to the analyst and project manager.
  7. Watch them become quite upset at how badly you've missed the point of everything.
  8. As the team berates you, in between insults he will also throw off nuggets of technical information.
  9. Collect these nuggets, as they are the only reliable technical information you will receive.
  10. Try like hell to weave together this information into something enlightening and technically accurate.
  11. Go to step 6.

Analysts, Project Managers, Project Sponsors, busy schedules are not excuses for skipping detailed discussion with your developers. :)


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