Sunday, March 6, 2016

How to "Select All" or Highlight textfield or password field in Java

There are cases when you want to select all or highlight the characters inside a textfield or password field in your Java desktop app. Here's a sample code to do that:

int i = textfield.getText().length();

Put this in the action or wherever you want it. Replace textfield variable to the name of your textfield. I'm not sure but this might work for JTextArea and JTextPane too.

How to change any date format to DATE datatype in MySQL (Insert or Update)

Use this function: STR_TO_DATE('date', 'format')

This accepts two parameters: date and format where date is the input raw date you want to change and format is the corresponding format relative to date that you want to change.

For example: INSERT INTO table(date_field) VALUES(STR_TO_DATE('December 8, 2010','%M %d,%Y'));

Note: table is the name of the table in database and date_field is the name of field in DATE datatype.

The statement above shows 2 parameters date as 'December 8, 2010' and format '%M %d, %Y'. The format is the exact format of the date, so that the mysql knows from what format will it convert the date to DATE datatype format which is '%y-%m-%d'.

Other valid examples are: INSERT INTO table(date_field) VALUES(STR_TO_DATE('12-31-2004', '%m-%d-%Y')); INSERT INTO table(date_field) VALUES(STR_TO_DATE('12/31/2004', '%m/%d/%Y')); UPDATE table SET date_field = STR_TO_DATE('Dec 31, 2004', '%b %d, %Y');

How to maximize frame or window in Java (JFrame)

There are multiple ways but I recommend these lines of code:

GraphicsEnvironment e = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); Frame fr= new Frame(); fr.setMaximizedBounds(e.getMaximumWindowBounds()); fr.setExtendedState(main.getExtendedState() | JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH); fr.setVisible(true); 

The code above will maximize your frame/window without hiding the taskbar (at the bottom part) of your screen except if you used undecorated frame. Any maximizing will hide your taskbar. This is according to my own experience but if you found ways to against it, please post it as a comment. Thanks :)