Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to change Word 2013 Review pane to No Markup by Default

The case: Whenever you open and type on your document, the changes are being tracked because your review pane is showing Simple Markup or All Markup by default. Annoying Right?


Carefully read and follow ALL steps.

Step 1 Open any document you want to edit.

Step 2 Go to the REVIEW pane, select to show No Markup

Step 3 Go to File >> Options >> Trust Center >> Trust Center Settings >> Privacy Options then uncheck Make hidden markup visible when opening or saving. Click OK button then another OK button to click before the window closes.

Step 4 !important! Make changes on the document like typing a space then Save your file.
Note: This step is important. If you miss this, the changes won't apply so you have to do all the steps all over again.

You may refer to the official post by Microsoft here:


  1. This is an awesome tip! Thank you.
    Shame on Microsoft. We should have to do this. It should just default to the last review settings.

    1. I agree..Shame on them also because they don't have article for this hehehe

  2. Excellent! You fixed the problem THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

  3. Thank you. So simple....and it worked! thanks!

  4. Thank you so much!

  5. When a different person opens it , it still shows with Markup. is there a way to make it univeral

  6. Nice This Post And Great Information Thanks For Sharing This

  7. Surely this is helpful. It kept on nagging me until I saw this tip. Thanks.

  8. To get this to work, I had to also "accept all changes and lock tracking". Then, I followed all other steps and it worked.
